Monday, February 4, 2008


This morning, in our home, we had a thankfulness problem. Apparently, since I didn't make the millet with applesauce but added sugar instead, it was unacceptable. Even after I asked the offending child to remind me in the morning for tomorrow's breakfast, the ungratefulness persisted. As that child sat through breakfast watching us eat (without eating themselves), we went through Bible verses that were especially applicable. These verses were intended to help both of the older children, since the other one had been complaining that I wasn't fast enough. "I'm hungry, Mommy. I'm hungry now. May I eat now?"

One of the most obvious verses that probably every parent uses is I Thessalonians 5:18. "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Have you ever meditated on the last half before? "...for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I certainly hadn't.

Isn't it wonderful how the Scriptures are truly living? God's Word is applicable for every person in every circumstance. How many times I've been correcting the children using a "child's verse" and the Lord's convicted my heart when I realize that verse applies to me as well!

Am I thankful for my hard-working husband, even though he won't be home until 10:30 any night this week?

Am I thankful that I have a godly husband and that I get to fall asleep and wake up beside him every day this week?

Am I thankful for the three wonderful children that God's given me, even though they create an immense amount of work? Could I imagine life without them?

With each of these situations that I've been tempted to complain about, I was reminded this morning of those that do not have these wonderful blessings.

I have a friend whose husband (due to work circumstances) is only home on the weekends.

I know of several women who were recently widowed.

I have a friend whose son was fighting for his life 2 weeks ago after being diagnosed with spinal meningitis.

We have a great God who gives grace and strength for the circumstances that He ordains for our good. Who am I to question God's goodness?

In everything give thanks...


~Babychaser~ said...

What a great reminder! And I love how you nailed the heart attitude in your children instead of just dealing with the behavior! Great work!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how the verses that we quote to our children seem to convict us as well? I had never meditated on the second half of that verse either. Good application!

Anonymous said...

Just saw your great post about Ron Paul on Crystal Paine's blog. Laurie Bluedorn, Trivium Pursuit

Anonymous said...

I've not only been convicted and encouraged by "children's verses" but also by the little Sunday School songs they sing-one example being-"My God is so big...there's NOTHING by God can not do." That meant a lot to me one morning during our Bible time. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The Lord's been working in my own heart with thankfulness/contentment during the past year. Thanks for the reminder! He has shown me that even though some circumstances aren't the best, according to others' opinion, they are the best for us for now, because we are in the Lord's will. He has a reason, though we don't know what it is. Also, I am reminded that the "treasure" here on earth will be destroyed, and my work here is to lay up treasure in Heaven---that when I walk the streets of gold, it will be with all my family. Thanks again.