Monday, January 7, 2008

Making Your Home a Haven

(This was partially written and supposed to be published yesterday. However, I wanted to insert a table, as you can see. To make a long story short, I've learned, learned to use, and used html all in the last 24 hours! In fact, I hand-typed all of the html code to format the table below. Maybe for some of you, that's second-nature, but it's not for me, and I'm rather proud of myself right now! So....even if you don't read the schedule I've posted, could you please admire the work that I've done, however imperfect it may be? Thank you!)

(Edit:I'm not sure why Jefferson's schedule is only partially showing. I guess that's more for me to learn, but not this go-round (is that even a word?). He's not even 1 1/2 yet, so I'm sure nobody's too disappointed to not be able to see what he's scheduled to do!)

I am excited about this weekly addition to Crystal's blog! I have so much that I would like to do in our home, but I need a little structure and smaller goals to prod me on to accomplish great things. With that said, my first priority this weekend was to tweak our homeschool schedule. Of course, since today was my first day on our schedule, I didn't stick to it much at all. I also had a sick child, needed to take time to teach all of the new aspects of our schedule and had to get my children out of doors. It's 65 degrees on January 7 in Indiana! Who'd have thunk it?

I'm posting our schedule more for my own accountability than for your information. (That's really what this blog was about in the first place.) So, here's our new Winter/Spring 2008 Family Schedule!

Prepare Breakfast/
Quiet Time/
7:007:15 -- open James' door and turn off fan
7:30Help James and Evelyn/
Bible time with Evelyn/
Jefferson up
Rise/Morning RoutineRise/Morning Routine7:50-up
8:00Do Bible time w/kids while feeding JeffersonBreakfast/Bible timeBreakfast/Bible timeBreakfast/Bible time
8:30Morning ChoresMorning ChoresMorning Choresfree play
9:00Handwriting & Math w/JamesHandwriting & MathLetter Factory videoLetter Factory video
9:30Calendar, Journal, Phonics & ReadingCalendar, Journal, Phonics & Readingplay alonepack 'n' play
10:00History, Science, Read-AloudsHistory, Science, Read-AloudsFree Play/Join us if desiredfree play
10:30Play w/JeffersonPlay w/EvelynPlay w/JamesPlay w/Mommy
11:00School w/EvelynPlay w/JeffersonSchool w/MommyPlay w/James
11:30Daily dusting or vacuumingDaily dusting or vacuumingDaily dusting or vacuumingFree Play
12:00Lunch prep w/helperStraighten House/Help Mommy w/lunchStraighten House/Help Mommy w/lunchFree Play
12:30Lunch & Clean-upLunch & Clean-upLunch & Clean-upLunch & Clean-up
1:00Read-aloud bookRead-aloud bookRead-aloud bookNap
1:30Piano lessons/practice w/kidsPiano practicePiano practiceNap
Scheduled day’s activities/TeachRest TimeNap/Rest TimeNap
4:00FreeGerman on computer (15 min.)Free PlayFree Play
Arts & Crafts/Take a walk/Game/Play time togetherArts & Crafts/Take a walk/Game/Play time togetherArts & Crafts/Take a walk/Game/Play time togetherArts & Crafts/Take a walk/Game/Play time together
Dinner Prep w/helperHelp Mommy w/dinner/
play w/Jefferson
Help Mommy w/dinner/
play w/Jefferson
Play w/sibling
7:30Morning PrepPlaytime w/Daddy/
bath time
Playtime w/Daddy/
bath time
Playtime w/Daddy/
bath time
8:00Family DevotionsFamily DevotionsFamily DevotionsFamily Devotions
8:30Kids in bed/
15 min. w/Ryan
Personal Time
10:00Upstairs to bed/Read
10:30Lights out

As an aside, I would not normally spend only 15 minutes with my husband per night, but he's working on his MBA right now. He likes to do as much on the weeknight evenings as he can, so that he can, theoretically, have more time with the kids on the weekends. In 1 1/2 years, we'll start spending some more time together!


Catherine said...

I'm impressed with your HTML skills and your schedule! It's so helpful to see how other families structure their days. Thanks for sharing!

Sadie said...

Wow, learning html in one night, very impressive! Your table looks great (as does your schedule). Nice work!

Kate Ambrose said...

Very impressive HTML skills, and organization! :)

What a sacrifice you and your husband are making. That must be so difficult! But I'm sure it will be worth it, in the end.

~Babychaser~ said...

Thanks for sharing your schedule! I don't know why, but I love reading other people's schedules. :) Maybe I hope it will inspire me to create (and even follow) one for myself. :) Here's hoping!

Kara S. said...

Lol - I feel exhausted just reading your schedule! :) You may have mentioned this in your post but where did you learn HTML from? Did you use a website? book?

Dovey said...

Kara, if you look at my newest post on homeschooling, I hyperlinked html to the web page that I used. It doesn't explain how but it gives all of the html code. I figured out how to use it by looking at already written code. Good to see you!