Tuesday, July 22, 2008

James -- an artist?

This weekend, for those of you who are my facebook friends, you will have noticed that I went to the library sale. It was $5 a bag day. So, I picked up 2 bags worth. We're still trying to determine where the majority of them will go! (On the side, I haven't even ordered my homeschooling materials yet, and we're already short on space!)

One of the books that I managed to find a home for was an Usborne book -- I Can Draw Animals. I've purchased drawing books before, but James has not shown an interest, but I thought I would just put it in the playroom and maybe he would pick it up and attempt a few.

Here is what he showed me when his rest time was over yesterday.

It brought tears to my eyes! I was really proud of his effort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet!! We're trying out the Draw,Write,Now series this year-Caleb's always bugging Danny to teach him how to draw! :) Glad to see you're blogging again! -Elizabeth