Monday, November 12, 2007

Whole-grain carrot and cream cheese muffins

I'm in a MAJOR blogging slump. I want to blog, but the thought of organizing words so that they can be comprehended is overwhelming. Anyone have any help to offer?

I'm sure that this is due to the fact that my husband is out of town (until tonight thankfully), and I cannot sleep when he is gone. Literally, cannot sleep.

I usually stay up so late that I just drop into bed and fall asleep immediately. Of course, then I can't get up in the morning. Then school doesn't get accomplished, the house doesn't get cleaned, extra projects are not completed and everything looks generally messy!

Then my guilt trip starts and I head into the depths of despair. That's where I am right now. Not quite sure if I will come out of it by the end of the week. Hopefully.....

I'm leaving you with pictures of a rare occasion. I baked this weekend. With freshly ground kamut. I rarely take the time because I only like to bake with freshly ground grain, and I don't like taking the time to grind when my children are sleeping because it's too loud. I don't like doing it when they are awake because there are other things to be done. Like my reasoning?

Anyway, they were scrumptious and 10 of them were eaten between 4 of us for breakfast the next morning!


Catherine said...

What kind of mill do you have? Would you recommend it? I'd like to grind my own grain eventually. Where do you buy grains? I've been buying wheat flour from the Apple Farm, and having them grind it for me, but I feel like I could get a better deal if I bought the grain in bulk.

Dovey said...

Hey! I have a Champion juicer/grain mill. I got it when we first were married for $200. It seemed like a fortune at the time, but I've since found out that it's not that expensive. I like it very much. The juicer is great (except cleaning it is a little complex) and the mill has about 6 different settings for cracked grains all the way to finely ground flour. FYI, I have never seen our mill mentioned on the best mill lists. A great resource (if you don't know about it already) is They do a lot with health and sell grain mills. I also think that has reviewed mills if you're wanting the best!

I get my grain through our co-op. It's VERY inexpensive. I would highly recommend it. :-)